Your registration has been successful and we thank you.

A confirmation email has been sent to the address you provided.

As a reminder:

Date: 19th to 21st December 2019

Place: Episcopal Conference, located in Mvolye, Yaounde.

If you are a statutory delegate or observer, then please register online via the form below. The registration fee costs 10,000 CFA per participant. Accommodation at the conference venue costs CFAF 7,500 per day for two-person room and CFAF 10,000 per day for single room). The transport costs are the responsibility of the participant.

PLEASE NOTE: The registration and accommodation fees must imperatively be paid into the bank account of Cameroon YMCA, no later than November 30, 2019. After this time, penalties of 5000 FCFA are applicable for any payment. Account no .: Alliance of Young Men’s Christian Association of Cameroon, RIB: 10005 00001 04039771001-81, Afriland First Bank.

For those who do not have access to Afriland First Bank in their localities, please make your payments via Express Union, scan and send the bill of lading number, the full name of the sender, the city of dispatch, the sender’s phone number and if there is one, the sending code. Send the above information to Koplong Tchagnang Christian, Phone: 699 165 665 For any other information call the following numbers: +237693 645 936 or write to