YMCA and Covid: the journey travelled, the way ahead – ‘Reimagination’ and ‘Reset’

By |2020-09-17T08:04:36+01:00September 17th, 2020|Categories: International|Tags: , , |

A message from Carlos Sanvee, World YMCA Secretary-General Dear leaders, dear friends, At the beginning of this Covid crisis, the World YMCA adopted a response strategy built on the three pillars of ‘Resilience’, ‘Recovery’ and ‘Reimagination’. Six months later, and while the world is still battling with the health and financial challenges caused by Covid, I would like to pause and look in [...]

Statement from US-YMCA on the latest developments in the USA

By |2020-06-11T10:47:10+01:00June 9th, 2020|Categories: International|Tags: , , , , |

Hurt But Hopeful: My Perspective On What’s Happening In Our Country I am really struggling to process what is happening in our country right now—in part because I have experienced it all before. In the summer of 1967, I was 13 years old, a boy coming of age in South Philadelphia. What I saw outside my front door and on my TV screen [...]

YMCA 175 – interview with the National President of Cameroon-YMCA

By |2019-11-05T11:46:07+01:00August 11th, 2019|Categories: International|Tags: , , |

The celebrations marking the 175th anniversary of the YMCA, which took place in England from August 04 to 08, 2019, were attended massively by his members coming from 119 countries where the movement is located. They were able to meet themselves and exchange in a friendly atmosphere, on all actions of the movement that are conducted around the world. The opening ceremony of this [...]

YMCA175 – Une journée de clôture riche en activités pour l’avenir du YMCA

By |2019-08-12T19:08:47+01:00August 9th, 2019|Categories: International|Tags: , , , , |

« L’autonomisation ne se donne pas, elle s’arrache » - en ce dernier jour du YMCA175, les orateurs et les intervenants ont tenu à ce que les délégués rentrent chez eux avec la volonté et le pouvoir d’agir. Plusieurs responsables ont en effet pris la parole dans le cadre de mini exposés et ateliers visant à partager leurs travaux et leurs expériences. Source en [...]

Du Prince Tchakote Noubissi from C-YMCA is henceforth treasurer at the AAYMCA

By |2019-11-20T01:49:26+01:00June 9th, 2019|Categories: International, National|Tags: , , , , |

The lights that are being turning out on this day of June 8th 2019 at the YMCA in Johannesburg, South Africa, indicate the end of the General Assembly of the African Alliance of YMCAs that began 4 days ago, the 04th of June, 2019. One of the major events that Cameroon-YMCA is proud of, is the election of its Treasurer General, Mr. Du Prince [...]

Le Cameroun-YMCA autorisé à renouveller sa Charte auprès de l’Alliance Africaine

By |2019-06-14T22:46:24+01:00June 5th, 2019|Categories: International, National|Tags: , , |

Au cours de la cérémonie qui vient de se tenir dans la salle qui abrite le onzième assemblée Générale de l’Alliance Africaine des YMCA, Le Cameroun vient de recevoir le certificat de renouvellement de sa charte par son président national Dr Alain Douglas WANDJI, des mains de la présidente de l’Alliance Mondiale des YMCA Patricia PELTON et signé du président de l'Alliance Africaine des [...]

Onzième Assemblée Générale de l’AAYMCA – le Cameroun est présent au rendez-vous

By |2019-06-05T20:52:00+01:00June 4th, 2019|Categories: International|Tags: , , |

Depuis ce jour 04 juin 2019, se tient à JOHANESBURG en AFRIQUE DU SUD, la onzième Assemblée Générale de l’Alliance Africaine des YMCA. Ce rassemblement quadriennal au plus haut sommet des YMCA en Afrique réunit ainsi, des dirigeants YMCA des divers pays où est représenté le mouvement dans le continent, des bénévoles ainsi des partenaires internationaux. Le Cameroun y est représenté par une remarquable [...]

Y-GLOCAL Seminar 2019 – Quick impressions of three attendants

By |2019-01-29T20:19:04+01:00January 26th, 2019|Categories: International|Tags: |

The YMCA's International Training Seminar, Y-GLOCAL seminar 2019, that began on 22th january, brought together young people from three YMCA countries - Cameroon, Denmark and South Africa - to let them get benefit from the tools they need to become resource persons in the transmission of knowledge within the YMCA and elsewhere. This mixing of cultures was also a moment of exchange and mutual [...]

Yaounde houses the first Y-GLOCAL International seminar 2019

By |2019-01-29T19:32:28+01:00January 24th, 2019|Categories: International, National|Tags: , , , , |

Since the 20th of January 2019, the YMCA Cameroon is hosting an important event for the young YMCA members. That seminar also known as Y-GLOCAL seminar, takes place at the Le Quai D’Orsay hotel, Simbock - Yaoundé. The program has been created by 3 YMCA countries: Cameroon, South Africa and YMCA/YWCA Denmark. One of the objectives of this triangular partnership is to train young [...]

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