Education and children in tears in CameroonThe day of Saturday 24th October 2020 was particularly marked by another sad news that could be described as “more than enough”, as is now considered customary, in the North-West and South-West Regions of Cameroon already at war for several years now. After an unprecedented barbaric attack at the Mother Francisca College in the locality of KUMBA (in North-West Region of Cameroon), at least 8 pupils lost their lives while about ten were injured, including 7 others in a very serious health condition. This sad event comes at a time when Cameroon-YMCA, through several of its programmes and activities that promote resolution of conflicts through the non-violent method, continues to advocate for peace and dialogue while educating young people to better civic and responsible behaviour.

We all still have a fresh memory of the savage assassination of the young prison warden Florence AYAFOR on 29 September 2019, the massacre committed on 14 February 2020 in the NGARBUH district of NTUMBAW in the North West region of Cameroon with a reported death toll of 23 burnt civilians including pregnant women and children according to reports by Non Governmental Organisations, (about ten according to the investigation report by the President of the Republic), the savage massacre of the young mother ACHIRI Comfort TUMASANG on August 13, 2020 and many other fratricidal crimes however heinous they may be and which are almost lost in the memories of this sad episode of Cameroon’s history.

With this “one too many” massacre, has the rubicon not been crossed? One wonders whether the trivialization of life, especially that of the youth through useless death which has been making its way for some years now in this part of our country, seems to have become the norm among the populations who only wanted to live in peace and hope to have and realize their dreams in an environment of justice and equity for themselves and their descendents.

By joining its voice to all the other actors of civil society, artists, populations and politicians throughout the country and worldwide, Cameroon-YMCA continues to plead, as it has always been the case, for a return to peace and respect for rights and human value, for a fairer democratic society where the hope of the youth can find at best its raison d’être with fewer tears and injustices.

The reaction of Cameroon-YMCA was not long in coming through the voice of its National President Dr. Alain Douglas WANDJI who shared his sadness and his consternation on the Facebook page of the movement as follows:

“After Ngarbuh, Kumba???? More deaths, more children murdered while they were in search of knowledge, a fundamental right! It is painful and revolting. We condemn these barbaric crimes with all our energy. We call for a federation of energies to put an end to all these atrocities that are constantly taking the lives of innocents, including young people, children and women. All our compassion to the families who have been so badly hit. May the wounded heal quickly”.

Beyond the urgent need for an independent investigation to identify the perpetrators of these crimes who must answer for their acts, Cameroon-YMCA calls for psychosocial and spiritual assistance to the families so badly affected, prays for an urgent and definitive political resolution of this crisis in order to preserve life and human dignity.