Hello my name is Samuel Zettler, I’m 21 years old and come from Bavaria in Germany.
At the 16 of September 2019, my Journey starts in Germany, after the 14 hours in the plane and waiting in Istanbul I reached Cameroon. My first impression, was the crazy traffic, with the lot of motos and the bad roads. After my first traditional meal, I realized that the food is here a big different to Germany. The weather was hot, although I come to the raining season, in the dry-season it was sometimes very hot for me.
The most of the houses are not as modern as in Germany. And the next new thing: In the night i have to protect me against mosquitos. I can ad this list with new things….. But this diffrents was no problems for me, I like it to experience new things. After a few weeks I was able to drive alone taxi and buy things. As a white human here a lot of people want greet you and want to talk with you.
The YMCA Cameroon are in a few things different like the CVJM (YMCA) in Germany, but the most important thing is the same: Jesus as the Middlepoint!!! In the YMCA Office, I had different exercises, to work on a English club, but these are going unfortunately not in praxis. Then I start a club for children, where they can play, paint and hear Gods word and write Documents for Training for the Volunteers of this club, I helped in school activities, prepared biblestudies and few other things.
In the YMCA office I enjoyed the morning Devotions, it was a good start in the morning and always very interesting Discussion, about different themes from the Bible. Two weeks I lead the Devotion, this was a good experience, because in Germany I make different kind of Devotions. In the time, I was in Cameroon were the different Elections, I was there in church club, Branch and Region. The Highlight was the National conference with the national Elections. And the visit from the General secretary from YMCA Africa, Nirina, the activities we did with her were very interested for Example, the visit from the Land of the YMCA.
One time I was in a activity in the prison club and I participate at the parade from the youth Day. The people in the YMCA are all very friendly and want to talk with me or try, because I can’t speak French, only English and German. But in the most time it was no problem, because others helped me and translated…
In my free time , I visited often the YMCA-Sportsclub and other YMCA activities for example the Prayer week. Also, I had the possibility to join a few Weddings, it was very interested how the people in Cameroon celebrating this. After Christmas I got visit from my brother and two friends, we enjoyed a trip to some places in Cameroon.
At the 04. of march 2020 I fly back to Germany. When I looked back to the time, I see, that I learned a lot of new things, collect a lot of experience and my believe to God grew. My work in YMCA, I imagine it different, more virtually, sometimes was it hard for me to sit the whole day in front of the PC, but some interesting works, makes it easier. But in general I can say, it was very good time in Cameroon. I think, when I’m back in Germany I will remember me often on this time.
Samuel Zettler
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